Monday, February 20, 2006

One Last Climb before I leave!

In all my visits to this area, I'd never made that right hand turn off of Hwy 178 to the highest point in South Carolina - Sasafrass Mountain. And I'd have to say, it would take a double-dog dare to get me to do this climb again! :) After climbing about 10 km to this point, you then turn onto a narrow European-style road at Rocky Bottom. It starts out pleasant enough, but then the steep pitches begin! I was fortunate to have a "27", and even so, felt like I was climbing some of the pitches I climbed in the epic San Francisco race a couple of years ago. After about 6km you reach the gravel parking lot at the top of the climb. If you hike a bit, you can get to the very top. I'm sure there's a nice lookout there. I instead turned around and am a bit embarassed to say used my brakes a lot on the way back down :-)! It was a fantastic ride! Posted by Picasa

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