Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm off once again...

I'm sitting in the airport in Rochester (which I must say is the BEST airport ever because it has FREE wireless...small things, I know :) I ususally leave from Buffalo (as it's waaaaay cheaper than leaving from Toronto) but today I got to take a taxi here (compliments of Delta) because of flight cancelations. It's going to be a very, very, very long travel day - as anyone who has made the trip across the Pacific Ocean will tell you. We'll arrive in Australia on Saturday (today is Thrusday) and fortunately we'll have until Wednesday before we start racing. I'm ready though - I made a trip to the used book store and stocked up on a good variety of reading material. I've got a knapsack now (instead of a messanger bag) to carry this HEAVY laptop and lots of snacks for the flight.

The photo above was taken from a lookout along the Ravenrock hiking trail in South Carolina. It was a beautiful day! The trail started from the Keowee-Toxaway State park that my teammates and I stayed at a few weeks ago. Time passes so feels like we were just there! Jeff and I had an amazing week hiking and biking. He even rode to the top of Caesar's Head - a 10km climb! It was really good to hang out, as I'll be away for about a month now. Missing everyone already! :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prayers to all of you for safe travels Leigh!!! Show em what we've got!!! A