Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Along the bike path...

Today's 3 km time trail was in Lachine along the bike path. It was really pretty and really windy! Times were incredibly close, with Judith Arndt winning over Dotsie Bauche by only 4/10th of a second! This evening we raced a criterium in "Little Italy", Montreal. To me, criterium riding can be like running through a mine field...crashes happen everywhere and you're just plain lucky if you don't go down. Betina and Cath went down today...fortunately they didn't hurt themselves too badly and are in good spirits for tomorrow.
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Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad you negotiated that minefield safely, sorry for Cath and Betina but glad they are okay.
Good luck today and especially in Philly!! Can't wait to see you.
Love always

Anonymous said...

Cool pic Leigh - you should get that blown up.
I wish you continued success.
Glad your teammate is ok :)

Take care

David Hobson said...

Congratulations on a great tour and good luck in Philly. Love Dad