Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nationals 2007 - Saint-Georges, Quebec

For the second year in a row Jeff has been my team support at Nationals...from working in the feed zone to following me in the time trial. I really couldn't do it without you Buddy! :)

The start of the road race...3pm, 30 degrees, 127km. A challenging course both physically and tactically! Gina Grain took the win, I was 7th and Betina was 11th.

A Bronze medal in the National ITT :). It was nice to share the podium with Anne and Lynne.

Dinner with Betina and Dan at Maison Vinot, our B&B.

A fond farewell to our hosts and new found friends Raymonde and Philippe...I'm already looking forward to our evening chats next year when we return for the 2008 National Championships!


Anonymous said...

So nice to see these pictures honey, wish I could have been there with you, but I'm always there in heart if not body.
Love always

Anonymous said...

