Monday, April 30, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunrise on the Grand

Up at the crack of dawn with coffee in hand, Jeff and I head to the river for a "dawn watch". There's something magical about seeing the sunrise while drifting along the river. we weren't just drifting...Jeff was rowing! :) (He's still asleep here)

Limestone cliffs

Canadian Geese

And Dougy...waiting for breakfast :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Until we get a deck :)

Jeff and I have been enjoying this AMAZING weather on our driveway in our lawn chairs :). The spring brings out the entire's great to see everyone again!
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spring is Here!

At last a warm day!!!! And it's going to be warm and sunny for the next four days :).
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So I watched the Freedom Writer's tonight...what a great movie! And what's even better is that it's based on a true story. It reminded me what a gift it is to be a have the chance to make a big difference in someone's life...and in turn have your life affected in such inspirational ways! This is a picture of some of the cross-country runners I coached a year ago...they're amazing people and I miss them!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This week...

Hanging out with friends and family

Trying to do the laundry

Eating like a Queen (thanks to Jeff :)

Planning our wedding

Dreaming of warm weather at the Gila!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Some amazing people in my life I'm grateful for! first coach who's passion for cycling is surpassed only by his will to share his experiences and knowledge with all those around him! coach and confidante who's "zen" approach keeps me grounded and focused when I need it most

My mom...who gives me unconditional love and support in all I do.

My dad...who's inspired me from day one to live your dreams!

And Jeff...with you, my life has risen to a whole new dimension of happiness :).

And to all my friends and family who I couldn't picture here because I can only post 5 pictures at a time :)...thank you...I love you!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday Road Race

The first road race of the season in this area is typically cold...but rarely this cold! The temperature was -6 celsius, but the windchill made it feel like -6000! Luckily the 1/2 women were grouped with the M2 men so that the peloton was bigger and warmer :). The first lap (of three) felt awful that after the first hill my friend Tara announces that "that was waaaaay harder than it should be" and that "she's going home!" :)...if I'd lived closer I might have joined her! Luckily after cresting 4 more drumlins we warmed up enough to start racing. There were various attacks from various people, but none could withstand the gale force headwinds to stay away. We came to the last corner as a big group and sprinted for what seemed like forever going into the wind - I won the women's race :).

Thanks to the organizers and all the volunteers for doing such a fantastic job today!
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Warm Winter's Day!

In order to stay sane after spending a month in warm places, I've had to completely change my weather perspective! Today I set out in my thermal tights, fleece long-sleeved jersey, raincoat, ear warmer, booties and gloves...dressed in this manner, I could almost convince myself that Canadian April's aren't THAT bad. :)
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